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13 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba

SAMR AND TPACK MODELS: Integrating Technology with Knowledge!

Till this day, I have always introduced some apps, websites, in other words, I introduced some of the platforms that technology presents and gift us. Today, as a difference, I want to mention how to use these apps and sites in classrooms, how to integrate knowledge with technology and students! Here are two models: TPACK and SAMR models. 

( Created by Mishra and Koehler)
TPACK model consists of TK which is technological knowledge, CK which is, for language teaching, the grammar or the input that are used in classes and PK which is the knowledge of pedagogy. The creators of this model, Mishra and Koehler says that “In an era of highly valued technological knowledge, it is important that teachers develop an integrated knowledge of teaching, content, and technology,” Their study holds the idea that only an introduction to the technology at schools is not enough for using it effectively. It can be said that if the teachers not only know but also use these three kinds of knowledge all together, then the differentiation of the learning and teaching ways can be achieved which results in an effective teaching and learning. When it comes to the effects of the use of TK,CK and PK together to the language learning process, there are various ways in which these combination benefits. To give an example from the real world, in one of the studies this model was implemented in a class by an English teacher. Some of the main objectives of the teacher were minimizing errors in pronunciation and to address the concerns of shy students in the field of speaking. Firstly, a teacher should know what to teach, then pedagogical needs of her/his students (if the way s/he teaching is proper for students or not), and then how to differentiate the input. Here the teacher knows the pedagogical needs of the students and the content of the lesson is prepared. To differentiate the way s/he teach, the teacher uses technology. This stage/part is totally up to teacher's ability to creatively use the technology.

Suggested Video for TPACK Model:
Tpack Model Video

(Developed by Dr. Roben Puentedura )

   This model is all about how to present input to the students in a different and creative way. It has some stages which are: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition. First stage, substutiton is about what tools to be used in class, which enchance and facilitate easier learning process. One example may be use of e-books for poems. The second step, augmentation suggest ways to use technology the learning process. So, students can use different ways, but teacher can access all the class.

The other step of SAMR model is Modification which is the changing of the ways of teaching. To give an example, with the help of apps such as quizlet or padlet, students can come the classes already practiced and studied the class and be prepared for the forthcoming lessons. So, they will have more time to practice and produce language or any kind of activities in class. During this stage visualizing tools and expoloration of areas plays a key role, thus students will be actively engaged in the class. Lastly; in redefinition step, teacher finds new ways to do his/her job with the help of and in line with these developments in his/her class.

Suggested Video for SAMR Model:
SAMR Model Video

SAMR model photos from:

    See you soon researchers of knowledge! 💜

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